National Novel Writing Month and Updates

November is the month where us writers, aspiring or otherwise, write 50k in thirty days. This is a great way to get writers at their keyboards and pound out those words. I set my goal, however, I'm a little behind due to a thing they call "Life."

Are you participating in Nano this year? Have a fantastic weekend! And may the odds be ever in your favor!


November 14th I am participating in a HUGE author book giveaway. This is an exceptional opportunity to win a boatload of AUTOGRAPHED copies as well as swag!! And, there's a bonus! Everyone who signs up will receive free ebooks! That's right my friends... Free ebooks!

I will post the Giveaway on here once it's all set up and ready to roll! 

In other news... I have announced the title name for Terrapin #2! For those of you who were waiting, the wait is over! Raaladar (Terrapin, #2) will be another book brimming with action and many secrets are revealed! I can't wait to share it with you! I am working diligently on Raaladar and plan on a 2017 release. 

As some of you may already know, I absolutely LOVE to incorporate family and friends into characters in my books. Their characters are molded from their very own physical features, demeanor, attitudes, etc.  In the next month there will be an opportunity for you to be a character in Raaladar (Terrapin, #2)! Stay tuned for details!


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