
Showing posts from November, 2016

National Novel Writing Month and Updates

November is the month where us writers, aspiring or otherwise, write 50k in thirty days. This is a great way to get writers at their keyboards and pound out those words. I set my goal, however, I'm a little behind due to a thing they call "Life." Are you participating in Nano this year? Have a fantastic weekend! And may the odds be ever in your favor! Updates: November 14th I am participating in a HUGE author book giveaway. This is an exceptional opportunity to win a boatload of AUTOGRAPHED copies as well as swag!! And, there's a bonus! Everyone who signs up will receive free ebooks! That's right my friends... Free ebooks! I will post the Giveaway on here once it's all set up and ready to roll!  In other news... I have announced the title name for Terrapin #2! For those of you who were waiting, the wait is over! Raaladar (Terrapin, #2) will be another book brimming with action and many secrets are revealed! I can't wait to share it with you! I ...