I'm Published!
As of May 30th, I can finally say that I am a published author! What an exciting day it was, too!
I am so thankful to everyone who has lent a guiding hand and helped me along my journey to turn this dream into a reality. A million "thank you's" don't compare to the gratitude I have to each and every one of them.
While traversing through this writing experience, there were a few things I knew I had to achieve before I would ever think about publishing Terrapin.
As a writer, one of the most critical components in the publishing process for me was to have a book cover that did my story justice, one that could rival the most gorgeous and creative covers out there, one that would shout LOOK AT ME! I believe a cover speaks volumes. From the colors, the font, the detail. We nailed it! I couldn't ask for anything more.
The second aspect that weighed on me was that fact that when I hit the publish button, I could no longer hide behind the idea of being an author, I would be an author. I consider myself an introvert, though I have extrovert tendencies. How was I going to handle the anxiety of putting myself in the very eye of the publication storm? I sat down and gave myself a pep talk. I could keep this story to myself, share it with close friends and family only, or I could take the leap, face my fear, and not worry about the potential criticism, but be proud of what I accomplished. I hit the publish button. I faced one of my biggest fears. Regardless if Terrapin is successful or not, I defeated the anxiety beast, and for that, I am proud of myself.
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